Why Maxene Magalona favors divorce

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Actress Maxene Magalona supports the divorce bill which has been approved on its third and final reading in Congress.

Believing that “letting go is medicine for the soul”, she rattled of reasons why she believes divorce is necessary.

On her Instagram account, Maxene made public her stance on the socially-relevant issue.

“Letting go is medicine for the soul,” she initially said.

“Because it’s #MentalHealthAwareness month, I would like to share some of my thoughts on the importance of walking away from toxic relationships that are detrimental to our mental health,” she continued.

Getting married, for Maxene, is “taking a risk” as “we don’t get married with a guarantee that the relationship will truly work.”

“We just pray that it will. Almost everyone shows their best selves before marriage and after they get married, their true colors start to show. When we begin to see the cracks and issues that arise in the relationship, we exhaust all efforts to try to make it work for the sake of the marriage. As Catholics, we take marriage very seriously and view it as a sacrament. This is true. Marriage IS supposed to be a sacred union between two people,” she said.

She then explained why some marriages fail and why married couples separate.

“However, because most humans have not done their individual work of healing their pain from their childhood, they get married with unprocessed wounds and end up projecting those wounds onto each other. The marriage that is supposed to be a sacred union turns into a toxic and traumatic bond. And what’s worse is that they think that having kids will solve everything. When the kids come, the problems are still there and they end up fighting in front of the children which leaves them traumatized and mentally damaged. They grow up within a toxic marriage which becomes the benchmark of their own relationships when they become adults. The vicious cycle never ends,” she said.

That said, Maxene who was separated from her husband expressed her “support and empathy for all of the Filipinos who feel trapped in toxic marriages and can’t find a way out—especially the ones who are experiencing abuse on a daily basis.”

“Being forced to stay in a relationship that diminishes your self-worth will make you think less and less of yourself until you don’t know yourself anymore,” she intoned.

“I can’t believe we are the only nation in the entire world that forbids divorce. In my humble opinion, divorce helps protect the sanctity of marriage by allowing the toxic marriages to dissolve and keeping the sacred ones intact. I sincerely pray for peace and progress for our nation,” she said.

“We deserve divorce,” she stressed. (NIGEL CHAVEZ DE ESTRADA)

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