Vice Ganda for President, Antonio Trillanes for Mayor

With her insurmountable popularity, Vice Ganda may very well put her influence to good use by running for the highest position in the land – the presidency.

Vice Ganda wields so much influence and her mula-Aparri-hanggang-Jolo popularity might serve her in good stead.

Unknown to many, the Unkaboggable Star has helped many in her own little way. She’s given scholarships, provided help with those in need through her travel blogs and has learned to extend assistance to her helpers’ family.

In her number one noontime show, It’s Showtime, Vice Ganda had extended financial help to a plethora of contestants.

Running for a public office would only be a matter of course for Vice Ganda. Securing the highest position in the land will offer her the biggest opportunity to extend assistance to those people long denied help.

For one, Vice Ganda will not tarnish her reputation to engage in corrupt practices which proliferate to this day. A crusader herself, Vice Ganda, in all certainty, will help alleviate the below poverty state of her would-be constituents.

Two, Vice Ganda is an intelligent mammal, something that might set her apart from other political wannabes.

In the same vein, soldier-turned-senator Antonio Trillanes make for a good mayor of Caloocan.

His no non-sense posturing in the past make him a credible choice to lead, to institute change and to effect a worthwhile new effort to make Caloocan one of the premiere cities in this country.

Known far and wide as a czar in a war against corruption, Antonio is a paragon of true leadership. He is completely devoid of cowardice and has the makings of a true leader.

With his unsullied image as a great warrior against corrupt individuals in government, Antonio is already a winner.

By now, a lot of you must have been muttering that I am dreaming.

Yes, Virginia, I am dreaming and dreaming big is what I can do best.

With a plethora of non-performing idiots in the land who steal by the millions and by the billions, is it a crime to dream of corrupt-free leaders that this country seemingly never had?

What we need right now are strong-willed leaders. Enough of the trapos whose pesky and inutile existence give politics a bad name.

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