Israel is world’s worst murderer of journalists

Israel, which continues to abide by Mosaic law, has killed at least 128 journalists in Gaza since Oct. 7, 2023, making it responsible for murdering the truth as well along with the scribes who were not parties to the conflict. In the cases of five Palestinian scribes, they were deliberately targeted by Israelis, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reported exactly a year after the Gaza war started. Israeli has already killed a total of 42,000 Palestinians in Gaza, or 3,500 in one month and 116.6 each day.

CPJ said Israel was responsible for these killings, and the 42,000 Palestinians died as Israel bombed cities, refugee camps, schools, hospitals, cemeteries, mosques, churches and even shelters that Tel Aviv had created as evacuation centers. Israel has been fooling the world by issuing nauseating statements that it was doing its best to protect civilians. Worse, several Israeli brigades regard Palestinians as Amalekites that Israelis were sworn to eliminate, The Amalekites descended from the sons of Noah. Israeli commanders and Cabinet officials have been quoted as saying “it doesn’t matter that 10 Palestinians die so long as we get one Hamas guerrilla killed.”

Filipino journalists have been alarmed by Israeli’s deliberate violations of the Geneva Conventions and human rights covenants that require protection for civilians and journalists, medical personnel and humanitarian workers. Israel has done nothing to protect them. From 1919, Zionists have used force and the backing of of imperialist powers like the United Kingdom, France and the United States to grab Palestinian land, insisting that they owned the entire land, from the rivers to the sea, since Israel was formed in one corner of Palestine, according to the Torah. This weird policy forced one wing of Judaism to argue that a Jewish state was not even necessary, especially one established upon the graves of Palestinians. The covenant transcends territories.

Yet, Israelis are kicking out Palestinians from the West Bank, denying them water, electricity and food. Under their stupid theory, Israelis say they own the water in the aquifers and interstitial sources and even the rain, so Palestinians are barred from collecting rainfall despite the provisions of the Camp David Accord that Palestinians are entitled to a steady supply of potable water. It is not only water that the Israelis want to deny the Palestinians. They also want to prevent the truth from leaking out, which explains why the bloody Bibi Netanyahu government locked up the Al Jazeera TV network in the West Bank and continues to deny that it is hampering the coverage of the war. Moreover, it also prevents the delivery of humanitarian aid and has been targeting ambulances and supply convoys. Truly, the Israelis consider themselves to be superior to others who do not share their faith, the Goyim or Gentiles. They are not even Aryans.

During the Nakba (catastrophe in Arabic) in 1948, Israeli terrorists massacred thousands of Palestinians near Jerusalem and five other towns, burned their houses and stole their properties. The same year, Israelis led by terrorist militias grabbed their land. The Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attack was child’s play compared to the atrocities of the Nakba, when the Jewish Irgun, Haganah and Stern Gang terrorists committed dozens of massacres, killing the elderly, children and women after the summary execution, Nazi-style, of unarmed Palestinian men.

Altermidya Network and other Filipino organizations have denounced these relentless killing of journalists as the US-supported Israeli war on Gaza continues. Altermidya says Israel deliberately targets journalists and civilians and the documentation by CPJ confirm it. The recent killing of 19-year- old Palestinian journalist Hassan Hamad in Gaza for documenting Israel’s wanton destruction proves Israel does not only want to erase Gaza from the map but also to wipe out the truth. Israel pursues genocide in Gaza and does not want to be held accountable for its continuing crime against humanity.

“We likewise condemn Israel’s deliberate censorship of Al Jazeera, which undermines press freedom. The attacks on journalists and censorship have implications on the people’s right to information. The world deserves to know what is truly happening in Gaza. Providing the right information is crucial for people to make decisive and collective actions in pursuit of justice,” Altermidya added. “We salute the courage of all martyred journalists in Gaza who have reported the truth in the face of danger and reiterate that the killings have to stop. Journalists should freely perform their duties – to report the continued sufferings of the Palestinians at the hands of Israel – without fear of retaliation.”

The saga of Palestinians must not be buried under the ruins of the cities, towns and refugee centers destroyed by Israel. The Nakba of 1948 that is being repeated as Israeli gunmen continue their depredations in the West Bank as well must end. Israel is grabbing the land of Palestinians who possess the documents that confirm their ownership for hundreds of years. “Altermidya Network joins other media organizations across the world in demanding justice for journalists in Gaza who were victims of human rights violations and holding the US and Israel to account for their war crimes,” the group concluded.

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