Don’t ‘De-Rail’ the ‘King’

Who is this high-ranking government official, from an ostensibly unrelated department, now curiously surrounded by rail executives?

Rumor has it that prior to his appointment—which quietly sidelined another official—he approached an oldie top honcho in the “Palace” to secure a role as “overseer” of government railway projects.

Sources say that this official has been keeping a close eye on multi-billion peso right-of-way projects, allegedly positioning himself for substantial gains by placing handpicked allies in key positions at the MRT, LRTA, PNR, and even within the DOTR’s hierarchy.

Their aim? To cash in if their plans come to fruition.

Within just a week of assuming his new role, an ambassador from a nation invested in railway projects, accompanied by staff, paid a timely visit to his office.

The visit suggested that this official’s position is already quite “secure,” despite his lack of prior connection to the rail sector.

Sources wryly note that he would do well to keep the “king” content—lest his carefully laid plans derail.


This top government official is widely recognized as “Boy Riles in the “Palace” and is said to struggle with abandonment issues.

On his home ground, he’s put some of the most corrupt people in key roles.

One of them is someone he currently relies on, known for being quite the chatterbox and having a greedy streak, with whispers suggesting he’s been swayed by a male partner.

That’s it!

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