De Lima: Retribution time against Duterte, Aguirre

SEVEN years of incarceration over fabricated charges is what drove former Senator Leila de Lima to seriously consider filing counter-charges against what she aptly described as “political persecution” during the administration of former president Rodrigo Duterte.

In a radio interview, de Lima admitted that her legal team is in the process of validating counter charges that would be filed against Duterte and former Justice Secretary, Vitaliano Aguirre II, whom she accused of making up stories that would pin her down on issues covering illegal drugs.

According to de Lima, the former President has every reason to pin her down after instigating an investigation during her stint as chairperson of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) over the spate of extrajudicial killings in Davao City during Duterte’s incumbency as mayor.

“I am doing this for justice and vindication, not to seek revenge. It is not a matter of vengefulness. It is my right to seek justice for the wrongs they committed against me,” de Lima said.

“They smeared my reputation. I was detained and deprived of my liberty for almost seven years. I was not able to fully perform my mandate as senator. It is clear that the charges were upon Duterte’s orders while Aguirre was his chief enforcer to persecute me,” she added.

Despite being cleared of all drug charges filed by the DOJ during the previous administration, De Lima doesn’t seem bent on running again for the Senate after her failed 2022 reelection bid.

Interestingly, de Lima was the first to assail the candidacies of three Dutertes in the midterm elections – the former president and his two sons, Davao congressman Paolo and mayor Sebastian.

“What I can say is I have no decision as of now. I am giving it serious thought and deep reflection. I will not just go back to the world of politics after everything I went through,” she further said, adding that she just might concentrate on helping the victims of extrajudicial killings behind Duterte’s war against drugs during the latter’s presidency.

She also hinted at plans to help the International Criminal Court to build up a strong case against Duterte and Senator Ronald Dela Rosa who are facing an ICC probe for the death of roughly 30,000 individuals during the implementation of Oplan Double Barrel.”

De Lima also admitted she feels ecstatic over the impending issuance of an ICC arrest warrant against Duterte and his drug war enforcers.

A sitting senator, she added, is not immune from being arrested unless dela Rosa is in session. (ANGEL F. JOSE)

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