Attorney KSP

A friend in the events management business would have long nixxed the projects offered to him by this airline company given that one of its heads is a known attention -seeker.  Let us call this person ATTY KSP (colloquial for Kulang sa Pansin).

Truth be told:  It is not easy to let go of these projects.  We are living in difficult times where opportunities are scarce – and not to mention that the airline company is one of the leading companies in the country.  But just to make it clear:  This friend is miffed at the person, and not the company.  Also, he doesn’t like how some of the business transactions of the events planning of the company are being managed.

Going back, Atty. KSP loves to go on stage and deliver speeches to impress the Big Bosses of the company.  However, such role is usually reserved for top management or individuals who collaborated with or made important contribution to the airline company in the latter’s numerous projects.

While it is true that Atty. KSP is an invited guest, protocol dictates that he is not the star of the show, so to speak.  But alas, he doesn’t want to be a mere spectator in the company’s programs.  He wants to be the main lead.

A good case in point is the joint project of the airline company with a group based in the United States to help our kababayans in North America.  It is only fitting that those involved in the project would be in the program as speakers.  They include the head of the Filipino-American group, or the President/ CEO of the airline company, and other concerned officials.   But lo and behold, Atty KSP successfully included his name as one of the speakers ever if the program had long been finalized and approved.

Another occasion that displays his epal behavior is an awarding ceremony in Pasay City where the most loyal passengers of the airline company are honored and feted.  Again, Atty. KSP inserted his name as a speaker of the program giving headache to event planners and those involved in the event.

Not few are surprised by the narcissistic antics and manipulative action of Atty. KSP.  After all, he has many shenanigans up his sleeve.  This will be a subject of future columns.

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