Gov’t employees to receive mid-year bonus starting May 15


Government employees are in for a treat as the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) announced the release of their mid-year bonus starting tomorrow, May 15.

In the statement released by the DBM, Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman believes that the bonus, equivalent to one month’s salary, will help meet the daily needs of the workers.

“The funds will be released tomorrow, so the cash will be with them,” Pangandaman said in a separate Palace Briefing.

“This means government staff will receive a one-month salary as their mid-year bonus,” she added.

However, there are eligibility requirements for receiving the bonus. Employees must still be employed by the government as of May 15 and have a satisfactory performance rating in their most recent evaluation.

The mid-year bonus is equivalent to one month’s basic pay for qualified personnel who have worked at least four months between July 1, 2023  and May 15, 2024.

While the mid-year bonus is welcome news, Pangandaman said in a Palace Briefing that there is still an outstanding request for a more permanent salary increase for government employees.

“We are committed to providing a salary increase for our government workers,” Pangandaman said.

“We have allocated funds for a third-party study to determine the appropriate amount for the raise. We expect a midterm report to be available soon, with the final report expected by June,” she added. (TCSP)

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