Hey, Jude don’t make it bad

Many were appalled at a limpwristed writer’s brazen act of pamamahiya to a hardworking waiter just because HE was called SIR.

The seemingly high-strung bading took offense at the pronoun used to call HIM. HE wasted no time in educating the waiter about misgendering, using the waiter’s precious two hours and make him listen  to HIS self-serving rants.

For the gender bender, it was some sort of a sin to call HIM SIR when HE’S all dressed up as  a SHE.

There’s nothing derogatory when someone is addressed as SIR, especially since the one craving for a female pronoun looks more MALAKAS than MAGANDA.

What is undeniably palpable is the gay’s intention to make people believe, the waiter included, that HE so deserves the female pronoun just because HE is not dressed in a man’s clothing.

HE failed to realize, because HE is still in a denial stage, that his masculinity seeps through the dress that HE was wearing.

HIS thick make-up, complemented by a dainty dress do not make HIS female posturing successful as HE still looks like a has-been wrestler.

This gay’s sense of entitlement is very obvious, if not palpable.

HE wants to ram into everyone’s throat that she’s a woman even when HIS muscled physique betrays HIM.

What HE has become, in the process, is a trying very hard mammal who wants the madlang pipol  to embrace HIS womanhood with a celebratory welcome.

Technically, it was HE who misgendered HIMSELF because HE is biologically a MAN.

By birth right, HE is a HE and no amount of convincing will make the public think that HE is a SHE.

This gay reminded us of a hit Andrew E song, the lyrics of which we altered into “humanap ka ng kapwa mo pangit at paniwalain mong ikaw ay tunay.”

Pun intended!!!


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