Moonlighting VIP escorts: PNP mulls random inventory of cops


AFTER pinning down two special action force cops working as bodyguards for a Chinese national behind a Metro Manila-based POGO hub, the Philippine National Police (PNP) is seriously considering the idea of taking radical steps to track down more moonlighting personnel.

In a press briefing in Camp Crame, PNP spokesperson Col. Jean Fajardo said that the PNP is already coordinating with other government agencies to form a special task force to trace “missing” police officers.

Fajardo noted that they have in fact been coordinating with other agencies for a collecting effort for a massive crackdown on illegal escort service and unauthorized use of marked vehicles.

Among the agencies with which the PNP will be working with, include the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and the Metropolitan  Manila Development Authority (MMDA).

“Our IMEG (Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group) and HPG (Highway Patrol Group) would run after those who are using marked vehicles who are not really legitimate police officers… Our IMEG might also catch moonlighting police officers,” the PNP mouthpiece averred.

Initially, the special task force will commence the crackdown in the National Capital Region (NCR).

“Hopefully by next week, we are just finalizing guidelines and as to which units will be involved. Particularly in the PNP definitely, the IMEG and HPG will be included in that team,” Fajardo quipped. (ANGEL F. JOSE)

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